Let’s configure our systems for developing Django applications. Let's go step by step:-
- As we know that Django is the framework written in python, so to develop applications in it we need to first have python installed. I would be installing python 3.7 as this one lasted there will be a newer version in future.
- By this step, we assure that you have installed python3.7 successfully in your systems. Now open a terminal and create a directory named as demo project at your preferred location.
- Now go inside demoProject and create a virtual environment for this project.
- Python3.7 -m venv venv
- Above command uses the venv module of python3.7, creates a venv directory and install python3.7 in that venv directory.
- Now next step is to activate this virtual environment.
- For Linux/mac os users:
- source venv/bin/activate
- For Windows users
- ./venv/lib/activate
- Now next step is to install django-admin in this virtualenv so that we can create our Django project.
- pip install django
- now to create Django project use following command
- django-admin startproject demoProject
- now to start this project run command
- cd demoProject
- python manage.py runserver
- Now open your browser and go to localhost:8000.
- On successful installation, you will see this screen.
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